It is getting harder to find the time to do these updates! Work has been crazy...6 days a week most of this month, so once I get the babies down for the evening I haven't had energy for much else. I did want to make sure that I got a quick post in this month, though, because we have had a lot of milestones.
First off....we have teeth! Well, 2 of the 3 have teeth. Both Lia and Mya have cut their two bottom teeth in the past month. While Ava is constantly chewing on everything, she has not yet got any teeth. As you can imagine, 3 teething babies has led to more than a few sleepless nights.
While she may be toothless, Ava is leading the pack with her sitting skills. She now sits unsupported for long lengths of time. Yesterday, I left the playroom with Ava laying on the floor and when I came back, she was sitting! I thought maybe I was imagining it, but twice today she did it with witnesses, so not only is she sitting, but she is able to push up to a sitting position as well. Lia and Mya will sit for a brief period of time, but both of them are still toppling over pretty quickly.
I am afraid that we are just days away from being seriously mobile. Well, actually, they are all pretty mobile already. Lia drags herself all across a room using sheer upperbody strength. Ava gets up on all four like she is going to crawl and eventually just lurches forward. Mya is also scooting all over the place.
We took advantage of the great weather this month to take the girls to the park for the first time.
Mya |
Everybody swinging together |
Ava, Lia, Simone, Noa & Mya |
All my girls! |
Mya'd had enough fun for the day... |
Ava |
Simone |
Ava |
Lia |
Ava has graduated from physical therapy this month. Her torticollis seems to be pretty much resolved. She no longer has any problems with turning her neck to the right and her head tilt is almost unnoticable. Her headshape has visibly improved with her helmet and she seems to be getting pretty much used to it by now. I'm sure we will have to continue wearing it for a few more months. My hope is that maybe we can be done with it by the end of the year.
I have been on a mission to try to take all the kids on at least one outing per week in order to get used to taking them places. The park was the first of these outings, followed by a big grocery shopping trip, and then last week, a trip to the pumpkin patch. While the trip ended up going well and the kids had a blast, we did have one mini-disaster. As soon as I got all the babies loaded up into the stroller, the wheel fell off of it. After momentarily panicing, we realized that we might be able to fit the car seats into one of the pumpkin picking carts. It was a tight squeeze, but it worked!
Simone and Ava |
Noa |
We decided Ava was much lighter to carry than Simone's massive pumpkin. |
The pumpkin Simone picked. |
Noa |
Well, I think that is most of the major baby news from this month. I did just remember that we are starting to have some babbling going on too. Ava says "dadadadada", Mya says "babababa", and Lia is still just screaming. Noa is doing pretty well with school. We have had a couple of rough days and one call from the teacher, but it has been getting better. After a little bit of an adjustment period, Simone seems to be doing well with middle school and brought home straight As on her midterm report.
Here are some more photos from this month...check in next month for Halloween pics!
Mya, Ava, Lia |
Ava |
Lia |
Mya |
Mya, Ava, Lia |
Ava & Mya |
Ava |
Mya: "Why do you keep putting me in the middle of these goofballs?" |
Lia and her sweet chipmunk cheeks |
Modeling our halloween pajamas: Lia, Mya, Ava |
Mya and Ava pinning Noa |
Ava, Mya, Lia |
Lia |
Mya - if you look close, you can see her teeth. |